Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


5 December , 2016  

To create a million jobs in the country within two years through extending loans to the self-employed and small- and medium-sized businesses is a feasible task. Utilizing mechanisms of public-private partnership, involving international donors’ funds, it can be completed in the short-term outlook, while preventing further economic crisis and tacking unemployment. It is very important to the country, which is experiencing a deep social and economic crisis, forcedly allocates significant resources for military operations and tries to solve the problems of internally displaced persons. These issues were on the agenda of a Kyiv business forum, “Ukraine is a Country of Entrepreneurs.”

“Jobs are of great value around the world. The effectiveness of government in democratic countries is assessed by number of jobs. In addition to the allocation of funds and support of financial institutions that do this, we demand that the authorities preserve the simplified taxation system with additional incentives for start-ups, eliminate regulatory authorities’ pressure on businesses, obligatorily draw up and implement a state program to preserve and create new jobs in the country,” President of the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Anatoliy Kinakh said.

“Kyiv is the economic capital of Ukraine with good reason, as it does a lot to let businesses develop in a fair, open way with transparent rules. The city now has an open budget, a transparent electronic procurement system has been launched, open auctions are held for work on free trading platforms. I think that UAH 10 million in micro-crediting support is only the beginning. We’ll be increasing this resource,” Vitaliy Klitschko assured.

“Boosting jobs will be an invincible weapon of Ukraine. Let us not forget: It is small businesses that form the basis of the middle class, determine the solvency of the country and inspiration for democratic transformation. That’s why the small business lending program will work in all regional centers, not only there, as similar business forums will be held everywhere in support of this initiative,” Anatoliy Kinakh summed up.

The next regional forum will take place in Dnipro on November 24.