Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


3 January , 2017  

KYIV. Jan 3 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine intends until the end of 2017 to ensure the creation of 25 regional development agencies the mission of which involves assistance to local authorities in the implementation of programs and projects of regional development and improvement of investment attractiveness.

The relevant data is contained in the draft of medium term plan of priority actions of the government until 2020.

In addition, the Cabinet plans to improve the system of regional investment projects financed by the State Fund for Regional Development.

According to the government, the current system does not provide a guaranteed stable funding for the duration of projects implementation, giving rise to incomplete construction projects and does not allow achieve the desired effect.

In addition, the Cabinet notes the need to ensure the transition from financing of projects aimed at solving current local problems to projects that merely create workplaces, innovative products and those improving standards of living.

The government also intends to provide regions with access to European funding instruments of regional development, including cross-border cooperation. For example, in 2017 the Cabinet plans to develop an international agreement on Ukraine’s participation in the Danube Transnational Program as earlier the European Commission decided to allocate EUR 5 million for Ukraine to participate in this program.