KYIV. Jan 18 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Ukraine’s Cabinet of Ministers has approved a list of medium-term top priority directions in innovation work at the national level for 2017-2021.
According to an attachment to government resolution No. 1056 dated December 28, 2016, its approval would provide for the implementation of innovation activities and create he basis for drawing up medium-term top priorities in the sectors.
The document envisages various directions of innovative activities. This is new solutions for transmitting and transporting energy, introduction of energy efficient and resource saving technologies and use of alternative source of energy.
Designing of next generation aggregates and systems for high-speed railway transport, creation of next generation facilities and technologies in aircraft, ship building and aerospace sector, as well as development of navigation systems and aircraft, ship and missile control systems are among the top priorities.
It is planned to start using new technologies for production of materials, their processing and combination, create nanoscale materials and nanoscale technologies industry.
The government also proposes to pay attention to environment protection. It is planned to apply the closed cycle technologies, purification, recycling of industrial and solid household waste.
It is planned to introduce newest technologies in information protection in telecom and IT systems, draw up and standardize 5G technologies and focus on development and introduction of artificial intelligence systems.