Business news from Ukraine


29 March , 2022  

Almost 500,000 places have been organized in the western regions of Ukraine to accommodate refugees from other regions, 150,000 places are still free, Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal said.
According to him, military administrations have already allocated ten land plots for the construction of temporary housing.
“With the help of the government, local authorities and with the support of our international partners, we will build temporary camps from modular houses. It will be possible to live in them for a year or two, during the hostilities and for the period of restoration of lost housing,” he said in an interview with Interfax -Ukraine.
The Prime Minister noted that 3.7 million people have already left the territory of Ukraine, but 400,000 of them have returned.
“Some are returning to defend Ukraine. Others saw that the Armed Forces stopped the aggressor, there was a certain stabilization of the front. That is, the returning process has begun. The government, in turn, began to develop a program aimed at making it easier for people to return home. People need housing, funds, work,” Shmyhal said.
He recalled that internally displaced persons can receive monthly assistance for living in the amount of UAH 2,000, while persons with disabilities and children can get UAH 3,000. In addition, employers receive UAH 6,500 for working employees.
In addition, persons who host refugees free of charge receive compensation for utilities under the Pryhystok program.