Business news from Ukraine


12 June , 2017  

KYIV. June 12 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPF) and the Chinese commodity exchange Bohai Commodity Exchange (BOCE) have signed an agreement on the sale and purchase of 99.9% of the Ukrainian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (UBRD).
The SPF said on its website after the signing of the agreement on June 8, 2017 BOCE CEO Yan Dongsheng offered the fund signing a memorandum of cooperation.
“Now, when we have a bank, we will work fruitfully to help Ukraine conduct effective privatization and disseminate information about Ukrainian privatization prospects among its customers,” he said.
SPF Head Dmytro Parfenenko noted the fund is considering this project as a pilot one, after which other, equally important projects will be implemented in the framework of further cooperation.
“I am pleased that it was your company that became a partner of the fund. We made a good start for the future. Your experience is very valuable for us,” he said.
BOCE is China’s largest spot commodity exchange, founded by Chinese citizens, several state-owned companies, and the municipality of Tianjin. The exchange was founded in 2009. Its annual turnover is about $1 trillion.