KYIV. June 27 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Milk Alliance, a group of companies, has supplied a first batch of dairy products to Georgia and Azerbaijan under a one-year contract, the group has reported on its website.
“This was the first delivery of our dairy products to “Ukrainian Food” stores in Georgia and Azerbaijan. Now we are holding talks on the next supply under the one-year contract,” Milk Alliance Commercial Director Viktoria Predborska said.
The group said that Ukrainian Food stores received products under Yagotynske, Yagotynske dlia Dietei and Slavia trademarks.
Milk Alliance said that two Ukrainian Food stores are operating in Georgia and Azerbaijan each. Georgian partners seek to expand its chain to eight stores by the end of this year.
Milk Alliance unites Pyriatyn cheese factory, Bashtanka cheese factory, Horodenka, Trostianets, Novoarkhanhelsk and Zgurivka cheese factories, Zolotonosha butter factory, as well as Varvamaslosyrzavod and Etalonmolprodukt, and Etalon trade house sales companies.