Business news from Ukraine

Druzhkovka hardware plant intends to more than triple dividends

1 August , 2022  

PrJSC “Druzhkovka Metal Products Plant” (DZMI, Donetsk region) by 2021 increased its net profit three times compared to 2020 – up to UAH 109 million 631.667 thousand from UAH 35.840 million.
According to the agenda of the general meeting of shareholders scheduled for September 1 of this year, shareholders are invited to decide on the payment of dividends for 2021 in the amount of UAH 1.64 per share (total – UAH 108 million 984.520 thousand), leaving the rest of the profit undistributed.
The meeting will be held remotely.
At the same time, the DZMI previously announced a meeting on March 17, 2022, but it did not take place. At that time, shareholders were offered to pay dividends in the amount of UAH 0.45 per share (total – UAH 29.904 million), and to direct the rest of the net profit for reinvestment for further technical re-equipment in order to ensure the production of competitive products.
The shareholders also intend to approve a new version of the charter, preliminarily approve major transactions, and approve reports for 2021.
Retained earnings at the end of 2021 amounted to UAH 479.817 million.
The Druzhkovsky hardware plant produces machine-building and railway fasteners.
According to the NDU for the fourth quarter of 2021, an individual Alexey Spiridonov owned 14.9949% of the company’s shares, Elena Mishchenko-Solona (resident of Spain) – 13.0304%, Irina Mishchenko – 24.5167%, Sergey Popkov – 5.8611 %, Anton Malikov – 9.75%, Elena Malikova – 8.25%, Valery and Dmitry Malikov – 9.774% each.
The authorized capital of the enterprise is UAH 3.323 million.
