Business news from Ukraine


18 September , 2017  

KYIV. Sept 18 (Interfax-Ukraine) – DTEK Energo in January-June 2017 increased capital investment by 64% year-over-year, to UAH 3.6 billion, DTEK Energo CEO Dmytro Sakharuk has said.
The company said in a press release that in 2017, it is planned to send UAH 8 billion to capital investment. This is 30% more than in 2016 (UAH 6.135 billion).s
“The company focused on investment projects aimed at boosting gas coal and the transfer of units of thermal power plants (TPPs) from anthracite burning to gas coal. Capital investment in H1 2017 was increased by 64%, to UAH 3.6 billion. In general, DTEK Energo seeks to send over UAH 8 billion to production needs,” Sakharuk said.
He said that today the task of thermal power generation is retaining the large share of Ukrainian coal in the balance of fuel that power plants consume.
The press service said that in January-June 2017, DTEK Energo sent UAH 8.2 billion to national and local budgets.