Ukrainian boxer Oleksandr Usyk said that in the future he is only interested in a fight against Briton Tyson Fury, reports.
“Tyson Fury has not retired, he wants to box. My team is working in this direction. I will box with Tyson Fury or I will not box at all. Only God knows if I will become the absolute champion. But my team will help me with this,” Usyk said after his rematch victory over Anthony Joshua.
Usyk defeated Joshua for the second time and defended his IBF, WBA, WBO and IBO titles. Usyk also won the vacant The Ring belt.
In turn, WBC world champion Tyson Fury, who recently announced his retirement, announced that he intends to remain in professional boxing.
„The Gypsy King stays here,“ Fury tweeted after Usyk defeated Joshua in a rematch.
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