Business news from Ukraine


2 May , 2022  

Starlink’s satellite Internet in Ukraine has about 150,000 active users every day, Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov said, citing data from Apptopia.

“Now Starlink terminals work for social infrastructure facilities – these are schools, hospitals, village councils, fire stations. After the liberation of the cities of Kyiv and Chernihiv regions, operators began to restore communication using Starlink,” he wrote.

According to Fedorov, there are villages in these regions where 10 km of cable were killed by shelling.

“Thanks to one Starlink station, the provider was able to quickly restore access to the Internet. This is a unique experience of using Starlink, which has never happened before in the world,” the minister stated.

As reported, in addition to Starlink satellite Internet stations, the head of Tesla Inc. Elon Musk also donated Tesla Powerwall solar panels to Ukraine.

Earlier, a representative office of Elon Musk’s SpaceX company, Starlink Ukraine, was registered in Ukraine.

Starlink became active in the country on February 27, 2022.

The National Commission, which carries out state regulation in the areas of electronic communications, radio frequency spectrum and postal services, at the initiative of the State Special Communications Service, on April 20, allowed everyone to use Starlink satellite terminals for the period of martial law.

Starlink is a global satellite system for accessing the Internet in remote corners of the Earth.