Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

7 Ukrainian banks out of 65 provide service of accepting worn-out foreign currency for collection

14 July , 2023  

Seven banks out of 65 operating on the market currently provide the service of accepting worn-out foreign currency for collection, the Minfin newspaper reported with reference to the National Bank of Ukraine’s response to the inquiry and the results of a telephone call.

It is stated that in Raiffeisen Bank the commission for collection is 10% of the amount, in FUIB – 12%, in Accordbank, First Investment Bank and Credobank (not less than UAH 350) – 15%, in Ukreximbank – 20%, in MTB Bank – 50% of the amount.

As for the terms of collection, FUIB and Raiffeisen replied that “as a rule, it takes several weeks”.

The publication added that some banks, such as Kredobank, impose additional conditions – account opening.

In the state-owned Ukreximbank, a manager said that a few days ago the financial institution temporarily suspended the acceptance of old foreign currency for collection, but assured that the service will be resumed within a few days.

In addition, according to the National Bank, the largest state-owned PrivatBank and Oschadbank are planning to introduce this service soon.