Business news from Ukraine

80 states supported the final communiqué of the Global Peace Summit, 13 countries did not sign the document

16 June , 2024  

80 states and four organizations supported the final communiqué of the Global Peace Summit held in Switzerland, the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets said.

“This means commitment to the sovereignty of our state, the need for the operation of the ZNPP under the full control of Ukraine, the inadmissibility of attacks on merchant ships in the seas washing Ukraine, a call for the repatriation of prisoners according to the “all for all” formula and the unconditional return of Ukrainian children!”, Lubinets wrote in Telegram on Sunday.

According to the Internet edition “20 minuten”, the communiqué was not signed by representatives of 13 countries: Armenia, Bahrain, Brazil, Colombia, Vatican, India, Indonesia, Libya, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, and the Vatican.

According to Reuters, the preliminary text of the summit communiqué on Ukraine recorded the agreement of the summit participants on such 3 aspects.

In particular, it is necessary to ensure safety in the use of nuclear energy – including at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, which should operate in accordance with IAEA requirements and under its supervision.

It is also necessary to guarantee the safety of commercial shipping in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Attacks on merchant ships and civilian commercial ports are unacceptable and food security should not be used for military purposes.

Third, all prisoners of war should be released through an all-for-all exchange, and all deported Ukrainian children and adult civilians should return home.

In addition, the summit believes that “achieving peace requires participation and dialog between all parties”; therefore, it is decided to “take concrete steps in the above-mentioned areas in the future, with further participation of representatives of all parties.”

“The UN Charter, including the principles of respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all states, can and will serve as the basis for achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine,” the draft communiqué of the summit reads.

As reported, 101 participants, including eight international organizations, were represented at the Peace Summit in Switzerland.