Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

A company from Akhmetov’s group wins the auction for sale of kaolin site

4 July , 2024  

Yumji Kaolin LLC of Rinat Akhmetov ‘s SCM Group has won the auction held by the State Service of Geology and Subsoil of Ukraine for the sale of a special permit for the Ivankivetska primary kaolin deposit (Zhytomyr region).

The Ivankivetska site is located near the city of Berdychiv, near the border of Zhytomyr and Vinnytsia regions. Thenearby kaolin sites are controlled by companies from theQuarzwerkegroup (owned by German citizen Lindemann-Berk Robert Otto), as well as Zhezhelivskyi kaolin owned by French citizen Erio François Thierry Roger and Turbivskyi kaolin plant owned by Roman Polishchuk.

As a reminder, Ivankivetska was put up for auction with a starting price of UAH 4,445,440.

Three bidders registered for the auction, and their final price offers are as follows:

  • Underground Resources LLC of Kateryna Bespalova – UAH 4,445,440;
  • LLC “Kislotoupor LTD” of Oleg Trityachenko – UAH 11,000,440;
  • Yumji Kaolin LLC – UAH 11,000,441 (winner).



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