Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

About 10 thousand cases of HIV registered in Ukraine in January-October, down 19% from 2021

4 December , 2022  

In Ukraine in January-October this year registered 10,239 cases of HIV infection, which is 19% less than the same period last year, said the Center for Public Health (CPH) December 1 on the day of the World Day of AIDS.
The CHC specified that during the first nine months of this year, HIV testing decreased from 1.4 million to 1.1 million, with rapid tests being used 23% less frequently.
In addition, according to CCH, since the beginning of the year “access to preventive and medical services related to HIV has sharply decreased. This is especially true in regions where military operations are taking place or which are temporarily occupied.
At the same time, the CCH stresses that in the Ukrainian reality thousands of people living with the diagnosis remain at risk of interruption of HIV treatment today.
“Doctors may find it difficult to provide medical care during air raids and/or shelling. Patients change their place of residence and lose contact with their doctor. Logistical obstacles make it difficult to deliver medications to different parts of Ukraine, and because of hostilities and temporary occupation, some towns and villages are cut off from the general medical system altogether,” the report explains.
As reported, according to expert estimates, about 30% of those infected with HIV are unaware of their status. According to the Center for Public Health (CPH), in October 2022 in Ukraine 998 new cases of HIV were identified, 205 people were diagnosed with AIDS, 112 people died. In addition, 1,346 new cases of tuberculosis were diagnosed in October. As of the end of October there were 12039 people on TB treatment.
World AIDS Day is commemorated every year on December 1, 1988, at the initiative of WHO, after a meeting of all Ministers of Health called for social tolerance and enhanced exchange of information on HIV/AIDS.