Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


12 May , 2022  

The market of agricultural machinery in Ukraine in 2022 will decline due to the aggression of the Russian Federation by at least 50%, depending on the company, the fall can be 50-80%, according to a posting on the website of the Czech manufacturer of agricultural machinery Bednar on Tuesday.
“For some it may be 50%, for others 80% or more, it will depend on the strategy of each company and the current situation in the country. As a patriot of Ukraine, I would like to see those brands lost in Ukraine more who decided not to leave the Russian market, but it depends on the conscious position of our farmers, whether they will take this factor into account when choosing a unit or not,” the company quotes Mykhailo Krishko, director of the company’s representative office in Ukraine.
He recalled that at the end of April, Bednar decided to finally leave the Russian market as a sign of full support for the Ukrainian people in the face of Russian aggression, and from the first day of the war stopped accepting any orders from Russian and Belarusian dealers and stopped all investments in these markets.
At the same time, all equipment previously ordered by Russian companies was offered for sale to other markets, and several units have already been bought out by Ukrainian farmers.
According to Krishko, before the start of the war, Ukraine was actively fighting for leadership in the annual turnover rating of Bednar, the company expected to increase its share in the company’s turnover to 20% by the end of 2022. The head of the Ukrainian representative office expressed hope that after the Ukrainian victory in the war, the country would become the largest market for Bednar equipment, since most of its units are created to work in the conditions of large agricultural enterprises, which are relatively numerous in Ukraine.
Bednar manufactures agricultural equipment for tillage, seeding, mulching, fertilization and crop residue management. Its products are exported to 39 countries with different climatic and soil conditions.
The equipment manufacturer has been operating in the Russian Federation since 2010 and had representative offices in 10 regions of Central Russia. In 2020, about 75 units of equipment were delivered to the Russian Federation, in 2021 deliveries were increased to 150 units.