The Ukrainian real estate marketplace DIM.RIA analyzed how the Ukrainian real estate market changed in January. The analytical study includes information on the state of the market of new buildings, as well as the rental and sale of secondary housing.
Primary market
In January 2025, 23 new buildings with 38 sections were commissioned in Ukraine. The largest number of facilities was commissioned in the Kyiv region – 7, of which 4 were commissioned directly in the capital. Thus, as of the end of January, there were 763 completed new buildings in Ukraine, with the highest share of completed projects in Odesa (54%), Volyn (48%), Dnipro and Rivne (43% each) regions.
In January, the average price per square meter in dollars decreased in only four of the analyzed regions of Ukraine, while in the rest of the regions it increased by 1-8% or remained unchanged. Kyiv remains the most expensive city in the primary market with an average price of $1,351 per square meter. In January, the average price of new housing in the capital remained unchanged, and in a year-on-year comparison, it fell by 5% to $70.
DIM.RIA analysts noted a significant revival of interest in primary housing in January among users from all regions. The number of search queries increased most significantly in Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Volyn and Lviv regions.
Secondary market
In January, users added significantly more offers to the secondary housing market compared to December. The number of new offers increased the most in the Zhytomyr, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk regions, roughly doubling. In the city of Kyiv and Kyiv region, the number of offers for sale increased by exactly one and a half times.
In January 2025, the sale price of a one-bedroom apartment fluctuated within a few percent in most regions, while it mostly increased compared to the data for January 2024. The largest increase was in Zakarpattia region, by 33% over the year. Kyiv remains the most expensive city: in the capital, owners are asking an average of $88 thousand for a one-bedroom apartment (-3% year-on-year).
If we consider the capital in more detail, Pecherskyi district remains the most expensive with the average price of a one-bedroom apartment of $135 thousand, and the lowest amount is indicated by homeowners in Desnianskyi district – $46 thousand.
In the first month of 2025, users’ interest in secondary housing revived in most regions. The largest difference between the number of responses and the number of ads added in January was noted by experts of the analytical center DIM.RIA in Vinnytsia, Chernivtsi and Ternopil regions: there, demand exceeds supply by 15-19 times. In Kyiv, the ratio of the number of ads to responses is approximately 1:2.
The rental market
In the rental market in January compared to December 2024, the number of new housing offers decreased in all analyzed regions.
Kyiv remains the most expensive location for renting an apartment with an average price tag of UAH 17 thousand for a one-bedroom apartment. The cost of housing in the capital remained unchanged over the month, but rose by 3% year-on-year. Over the year, prices also rose in other regions, most actively in Ivano-Frankivsk, Volyn and Chernivtsi regions (an increase of more than 30%).
The capital offers more affordable housing depending on the district. The lowest prices can be found in the Desnianskyi district, with an average of UAH 10,600 for a one-bedroom apartment, while the most expensive is the Pecherskyi district, with an average monthly rent of UAH 22 thousand.
In January, compared to December, the most active search for rental housing was in Cherkasy and Rivne regions. In the capital, users made 21% more requests over the past month.
The ratio of the number of rental ads to the number of responses to them in January in Kyiv was 1:7. Kirovograd, Zhytomyr and Cherkasy regions were characterized by the highest demand relative to supply.