Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Anti-tobacco legislation in Ukraine tightens on July 11

10 July , 2023  

The State Committee for Food Safety and Consumer Protection reminds that on July 11, 2023 the Law No. 1978 “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Protection of Public Health from the Harmful Effects of Tobacco” comes into force in Ukraine, which tightens measures on the use of tobacco products in Ukraine.
According to the law, advertising and promotion of sales of tobacco products, electronic cigarettes and liquids for them will be prohibited in Ukraine. A ban on smoking with heating devices in all public places and premises similar to smoking conventional cigarettes is introduced.
Fines for the sale of tobacco products to persons under 18 years of age are introduced in the amount of UAH 1,020, and in case of repeated violation of the provision – UAH 10,200.
The ban on the sale of flavored cigarettes applies to vitamins and pseudo-useful additives; caffeine, taurine and energy supplements; additives producing colored emissions and facilitating the absorption of nicotine.
In addition, the law will restrict sales of e-cigarette liquids with or without nicotine if they have the above-mentioned additives, as well as refill containers with a volume of more than 10 ml, disposable e-cigarettes or cartridges with a volume of more than 2 ml, and with nicotine capacities of more than 20 mg per 1 ml.
Prohibited will be cigarettes and tobacco for self-twirling, which have a characteristic taste and smell of smoke, with nicotine or flavoring and aromatic additives.
Violation of the law provides for fines in the amount of UAH 20 thousand, and in case of repeated violation – UAH 50 thousand.
In the State Consumer Service reminded that since April 2023 in Ukraine resumed control over compliance with anti-tobacco legislation. The grounds for unscheduled measures of state supervision (control) in the sphere of anti-tobacco legislation are an independent application of a business entity, an order of the Prime Minister of Ukraine and an application of an individual.