Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Antimonopoly Committee will consider complaint of insurer Salamandra against Energoatom’s tender conditions

18 October , 2023  

The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) has accepted for consideration the complaint of IC Salamandra (formerly DIM Insurance, Dnipro) against the terms and conditions of the tender of the State Enterprise “NAEK Energoatom” for compulsory motor third party liability insurance of owners of land vehicles (MTPL).

According to the decision of the AMCU on October 10, published in the system of electronic procurement Prozorro, the customer within two working days to send electronically to the appeal body the relevant information, documents and materials on the procurement procedure, as well as information on the differences between the deadline in the tender documentation and the announcement of the procurement procedure.

Consideration of the complaint will be held on October 17.

As reported, the tender was announced on October 4. The expected cost -258,396 thousand UAH.

IC “Salamandra” is part of non-banking financial group “Salamandra”, the ultimate beneficiary and owner of which is Yuriy Yavtushenko.