Business news from Ukraine

Appeal of Polish and Ukrainian business community

3 March , 2024  

The Union of Ukrainian Entrepreneurs (SUP), the Polish Confederation of Leviatan (KL), and the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce (PUIG) welcome the efforts of the Polish and Ukrainian governments to unblock the border crossings between the two countries and look forward to its real results. This should be accompanied by the development, in cooperation with the European Union, of a viable program to address the key economic causes that lead to such terrible events. Despite the differences in views and challenges in our cooperation, the current problems of any economic or social group cannot be solved by blocking borders and key transportation routes.
Therefore, it is in the best strategic and security interests of both countries and the entire European community to stop further destruction of our common political, economic and social relations, which have been elevated to a historically high level over the past two years following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine two years ago. In fact, Russia – the aggressor country – is the only party that benefits from this development.
As representatives of the business communities of both countries, we would like to emphasize the economic consequences of the border crisis, including

– direct losses in trade, which has been growing very rapidly over the past two years, with benefits for all partners and a positive balance for the Polish side;

– the rapidly growing loss of trust in mutual economic relations, which is already leading to refusal to participate in new or even open violation of long-term contracts between our companies that already exist;

– the gradual deterioration of the business climate, which raises questions about the future of a mutually beneficial partnership in the reconstruction of Ukraine, including possible Polish investments;

– undermining Ukraine’s efforts to successfully negotiate its rapid accession to the European Union.
Allowing the current events on the Polish-Ukrainian border to get out of hand risks exacerbating the problems and spreading them to other areas, then gradually eroding the trust in the mutual relations gained over the past two years, and ultimately jeopardizing the chances for a prosperous future relationship between our countries. We have no doubt that the present and future generations of Polish and Ukrainian entrepreneurs, as well as the vast majority of our societies, would never forgive us for this serious mistake!

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