Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Asset Recovery and Management Agency opens register of seized assets

27 August , 2023  

The Asset Recovery and Management Agency (hereinafter – ARMA) has opened the Unified State Register of Assets, which are seized in criminal proceedings, with about 36 thousand entries relating to assets transferred to ARMA’s management.

“Understanding of the amount of seized property in our country has been hidden from the public until now and was one of the most closed and highly corrupt areas. ARMA is now reporting on the formation and opening of a register of seized assets, which reflects data on all seized material evidence of economic value,” said ARMA Head Olena Duma at a press conference in Kyiv on Friday.

According to her, the registry is a comprehensive database of all assets in Ukraine that have been seized by law enforcement and courts in criminal cases.

It specifies that it contains information on who is investigating the criminal case, who seized the assets and when, how ARMA manages the property, how much it was valued, how much it was sold for at auction, under what contract it was transferred to the manager, and how much money the management received from the budget.

“That is, the Register makes it possible to track all actions online from its arrest to the state’s receipt of income,” Duma said.

According to the agency, the registry consists of an open part, accessible to every interested person, and a closed part, which is intended for law enforcement. The database contains more than 129 thousand records. In addition to 36,000 records of assets transferred to ARMA’s management, it also contains 829 records of asset valuation activities and 1,144 records of competitive selection of managers.

Another 117 records relate to management agreements and contain data on the amount of income that managers transfer to the budget, and 500 records each relate to assets sold at auction and cash management activities, including the amount of funds placed and interest accrued.

It is specified that the information to be entered into the system from other state registers and databases, primarily the Register of Court Decisions, is organized into different categories, such as movable and immovable property, transport, corporate rights, intellectual property, funds and property complexes.

In particular, the database provides 7,557 entries in the real estate category, 6,253 in the land plot category, 38574 in the transport category, 6,215 in the shares in the authorized capital category, and 8,324 in the monetary assets and banking metals category.

The opening of the Register is in line with the open data policy and the practice of the European Asset Recovery and Management Offices (ARO/AMO), ARMA emphasized.

The agency emphasized that it has made significant efforts to ensure data security, especially in relation to strategic assets and critical infrastructure. In particular, thousands of records have been checked to prevent the disclosure of information about military facilities, and information on the name and description of critical infrastructure assets has been restricted.

“From now on, the public will see the actual results of ARMA’s work over the previous years and will be able to objectively assess how effective these efforts were,” Duma said.