Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Azerbaijan increases gas exports to Turkey by more than 27%

19 October , 2023  

Export of gas volumes declared at customs from Azerbaijan in January-August 2023 amounted to 17 billion 391 million 448.11 thousand cubic meters, which is 15.5% more than for the same period of 2022, the State Customs Committee (SCC) informed Interfax-Azerbaijan.

Gas supplies in the reporting period accounted for 42.9% of Azerbaijan’s total exports (39.3% in January-August 2022).

Revenue from the export of declared gas amounted to $10 billion 452 million 178.82 thousand (an increase of 1.3%).

According to the SCC, in January-August 2023, the largest volume of declared gas exports went to Turkey (41.4%) and Italy (38.3%). Over 7.2 billion cubic meters were supplied to Turkey, which is 27.3% more than a year earlier. In Italy – about 6.7 billion cubic meters (4.5% growth).
Earlier Experts club in its video analyzed in detail the prospects of development of the Transcaucasus after the Karabakh conflict is over.

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