Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


22 January , 2016  

The Ministry for Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities

On January 20, 2016, the building of the Ministry for Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities housed an official ceremony of signing a memorandum of cooperation to develop and implement a social and economic project of joint action “Bila Tserkva Development Strategy.”

This document outlines an agreement on cooperation between Bila Tserkva’s local authorities, the public and the business community in the implementation of the strategy for the development of the town of Bila Tserkva until 2025. The implementation of this strategy should contribute to the successful and sustainable operation and development of the town, which could become a successful combination of progressive civil society and effectively used human resources to build a modern management system, reactivate entrepreneurial activity, and create a comfortable and high-quality urban environment for local residents of Bila Tserkva and visitors.

“Businesses, the public as well as experts from Poland are being engaged in the development of this strategy, therefore it will be based on the standards that have already proven their effectiveness in European countries. The town will thus get a document that opens opportunities for further development, attraction of investment, creation of jobs, and improvement in the quality of services provided to residents. It is impossible to develop without a strategy, therefore every community that thinks about its future should have such a document,” First Deputy Minister for Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities Vyacheslav Nehoda said during the ceremony of the signing of the memorandum.

“It’s not very hard to develop a strategy, it’s much harder to follow it. We will develop this document jointly with the residents of the town, so it is important not to betray the trust of the people during its implementation,” Tomáš Szuba, an authorized person of the European Innovation Centre (Poland), said.

Bila Tserkva Mayor Hennadiy Dykyi assured in turn that the strategy would be developed with the involvement of the public, entrepreneurs and experts to become an effective tool to develop the town.

The memorandum of cooperation was signed by Bila Tserkva Mayor Hennadiy Dykyi, First Vice President of the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Vasyl Khmelnytsky, representatives of the following NGOs: GoLocal, Bila Tserkva. Tomorrow, the Center for Community Development, the Smart City public council, representatives of such charitable funds as Ruh Molodi Foundation and K.Fund, and authorized person of the European Innovation Centre Tomáš Szuba.