Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Borschagivsky Khimpharmzavod reduced net profit by quarter in 2022

29 November , 2023  

Borschagivsky Chempharmzavod PJSC (BCPZ, Kyiv) has reduced its net profit by 24.8% to UAH 254.275 mln by the end of 2022.

As the company reported in the information disclosure system of the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market (NCSSM), the company’s shareholders will consider the financial results for 2021-2022 at a remote meeting on December 26.

The meeting will also consider the payment of dividends for 2022 in the amount of UAH 34.158 mln, the amount of dividends per share will be UAH 3,300. Dividends are expected to be paid directly to shareholders to their bank accounts by June 26, 2024.

As reported, BHFZ’s net profit for 2020 increased by 1.7 times to UAH 332.847 mln compared to 2019.

As of the first quarter of 2023, 31.8% of BHFZ shares belong to the pharmaceutical company PJSC “Pharmaceutical firm “Darnitsa” (Kiev). According to the Opendatabot system, the ultimate beneficiaries of BHFZ are also the beneficiary of Darnitsa Pharmaceutical Company Gleb Zagoriy, Yevhen Sova and Tetyana Artemenko.