Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has authorized travel abroad for one category of persons liable for military service

12 August , 2023  

Military conscripted citizens who are not subject to military service during mobilization and whose close relatives were killed or went missing during direct participation in the ATO will be able to cross the state border of Ukraine during martial law.

According to the website of the government portal, the corresponding changes to the rules of crossing the state border by citizens of Ukraine were introduced at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers.

“This is done to avoid unfair restrictions on the rights of family members of persons killed (missing) during direct participation in the ATO (from the beginning of armed aggression in 2014 and until April 30, 2018),” – stated in the message.

It is noted that under the current version of the rules during martial law the right to cross the state border have, in particular, persons whose relatives were killed or missing during participation in the ATO.

“The government has removed the restriction of the right to cross the state border during the period of martial law by persons whose relatives were killed or missing while participating in the ATO. The military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine began in 2014 and was resumed on February 24, 2022 with a massive invasion. Therefore, we must avoid unfair separation of both the Ukrainian defenders themselves – participants in military and special measures, and the rights of family members of fallen warriors”, – said the Minister for Veterans Affairs Yulia Laputina.