Business news from Ukraine

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has reduced list of public procurement without tender

27 February , 2023  

Government Resolution No.157 of February 17 has amended the procedure for public procurement, in particular, reduced the list of exceptions when it is allowed to enter into direct contracts without a tender, the Ministry of Economy said with reference to First Deputy Prime Minister – Economy Minister Yulia Sviridenko.
“We are gradually returning to the mandatory use of Prozorro in procurement. Thus, by this decision we have significantly reduced the list of exceptions when it is allowed to enter into direct contracts without a tender, obliged to publish more information on direct purchases”, – noted Sviridenko.
Ministry of Economy also pointed out that there are conditions for publishing a report on the execution of the contract on procurement in the electronic procurement system (EPS), clarified the information that customers may not publish in the annual procurement plans and the announcement of the bidding, if such information poses a security risk.
In addition, there is an obligation to publish the texts of contracts and all annexes thereto in the case of procurement without the use of Prozorro, but it is still possible to hide sensitive information about the supplier, the address of delivery, if such information poses a security risk, says the Ministry of Economy.
At the same time, it is provided that in the case of procurement, the value of which is less than 50 thousand UAH, without the use of an electronic procurement system, the customer shall not make public in the electronic procurement system the report on the contract of procurement, concluded without the use of an electronic system of procurement.
