Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


28 November , 2016  

KYIV. Nov 28 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Capital investment in Ukraine increased by 16.4% in January through September 2016, whereas in the first half of 2016 its increased amounted to 9.6% and in the first quarter of 2016 – only 0.7%, the State Statistics Service has said.

In January-September 2016 some UAH 204.5 billion of capital investment was used (excluding the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea, Sevastopol and part of the Anti-Terrorist Operation area).

Capital investment in Ukraine decreased by 1.7% in 2015, whereas in the first nine months of 2015 the decline amounted to 6%, the first half of the year 9.2%, the first quarter 14.8% and in 2014 the figure stood at 24.1%.

Capital investment grew in Mykolaiv (75.6%), Odesa (59%), Kirovohrad (58.8%), Kharkiv (55.6%), Kherson (51.6%), Zhytomyr (48.5%), Poltava (48.4%) and Cheraksy (47.7%) regions.

Capital investment declined only in Zakarpattia (10.1%), Ivano-Frankivsk (9.7%), Volyn (3.8%) regions and Kyiv city (6.6%).

Sector-wise, the largest growth of capital investment in January-September 2016 was recorded in postal and courier activities – by 3.7 times, advertising and marketing studies – by 2.2 times, real estate – 94.3%, healthcare – 83.2%, agriculture – 64.3%, public administration and defense, mandatory social insurance – by 50.3%, administrative and auxiliary servicing – 55%, education – 44.6% and wholesale, retail and vehicle repair – 27.6%.

Capital investment fell by 44.2% in the IT and telecom sphere, while the sector saw a 2.7-fold rise a year ago.

Own funds of companies and organizations remained the main source of financing of capital investment. Their share was 71.8% of total investment. The share of borrowed funds (bank loans and funds of foreign investors) was 10.3%. The share of national and local budgets was 5.9%.