Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainians married less and divorced more often in 2023

Where do people get married and divorced the most in Ukraine?

More than 186 thousand marriages were registered in Ukraine in 2023, according to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. The number of divorces and prenuptial agreements has increased, but it is still less than before the start of the Great War.

186,051 marriages were registered through the registry office in Ukraine in 2023.

In the first year of the full-scale invasion, Ukrainians were actively marrying – 4% more than in 2021, when 214,013 couples got married. However, in 2023, the number of marriages dropped sharply – by as much as 16% over the year.

Overall, the number of new families has decreased by 1.6 times over the past 10 years.

The leader in the number of new marriages in 2023 was Kyiv – 21,802. This is 14% less than in 2021. Dnipropetrovs’k region is in second place with 18,816 marriages. Odesa region rounds out the top three with 13,740 new families.

The only region where the number of new families increased in the second year of the full-scale war was Kharkiv region: 10,977 marriages or +11%.

Compared to the period before the start of the great war, the number of new families increased in the central regions last year: Kirovohrad (+28%), Zhytomyr (+23%), and Cherkasy (+22%).

At the same time, in the west of the country, on average, 20% fewer couples got married: Ternopil (-24%), Zakarpattia (-23%), and Lviv (-20%). An anti-record was set in Chernivtsi region, where the number of new families decreased by as much as a third.

After a decline in the first year of the full-scale war, the number of divorces through registry offices increased again by 35%. 24,108 divorces were recorded last year. However, this is still 18.5% less than in 2021.

Kyiv is the leader not only in the number of marriages but also in divorces – 3,793 last year. The capital accounts for almost 16% of the total number of divorces through registry offices.

The number of divorces in 2023 increased significantly compared to 2021 in Ivano-Frankivsk region – +20%. In Odesa region, on the contrary, a quarter fewer married couples broke up last year than in 2021.

However, it should be understood that these statistics are not exhaustive. Only couples who do not have minor children or property claims against each other can dissolve their marriage at the registry office. In other cases, divorce takes place in court and can last for years.

The number of marriage agreements last year increased 1.6 times compared to the first year of the Great War. 2,586 agreements were concluded last year, a third less than in 2021.

Currently, there is 1 marriage contract for 72 marriages.

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Business Activity Recovery Index in Ukraine declined to 43% in January

After two months of stable performance, the index of business activity recovery (IER) in January decreased by 7 p.p. to 43%, according to the 21st NRES (New Monthly Enterprises Survey) conducted by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting (IER).

“In addition to the growing uncertainty related to export prospects, the surveyed enterprises report a direct reduction in exports. Thus, in January, 34% of respondents had to reduce exports (in December, the number was 20%). The share of enterprises reporting export growth decreased from 31% in December to 19% in January,” the IER reports.

According to the published information, the share of enterprises that reduced production volumes increased from 16.8% in December to 23.2% in January, and the share of enterprises that increased production volumes decreased from 34.4% to 23.2%.

It is noted that employment rates have also slightly decreased: 2.7% of respondents plan to increase it (5.1% in December), 11.5% intend to reduce the number of employees (6.7% in December), and 85.8% do not expect changes in employment (88.3% a month earlier).

The business itself is experiencing problems with finding qualified employees – 32.4% of companies have difficulty finding such employees (29.1% in December). Although, according to Oksana Kuziakiv, Executive Director of the IER, the decline in employment may be a seasonal trend.

Among the obstacles to growth, the first place in the list of obstacles is shared by “working dangerously” and rising prices for raw materials: 46% of respondents indicated them.

Lack of labor moved from second to third place in the list of barriers with a decrease from 46% to 41%, and power outages moved from fifth to seventh place (from 30% to 26%).

Corruption and pressure from law enforcement agencies are still not significant problems: in January, they were reported as obstacles by 7% of respondents.

In addition, more than a fifth of the surveyed Ukrainian enterprises named the lifting of the blockade of the western borders as an expected change needed to improve the business climate in the country.

As for the results of 2023, 56% of the surveyed enterprises said that the previous year met their expectations, and for 8% it even exceeded their expectations. At the same time, the IER clarifies that there is a connection between the compliance of 2023 with expectations and the size of the enterprise. Thus, 77% of large enterprises called 2023 expected or exceeding their expectations. At the same time, only 54% of microbusinesses said the same.

“The result we got is quite optimistic. I did not expect to see such figures given the turbulence and events that Ukrainian business experienced in 2023. This means that most companies are realistic about planning,” Kuziakiv commented on the results.

The survey, which was conducted from January 16 to January 31, 2024, involved 552 enterprises from 21 regions of Ukraine operating in the industrial, retail and agribusiness sectors.

US Senate approves $60 bln aid package for Ukraine for 2024

The U.S. Senate has approved a $60 billion aid package for Ukraine for 2024, Prime Minister Denys Shmyny said.

“The bulk of the amount ($50 billion) is defense support. There will be even more weapons, equipment and ammunition for our defenders. The rest of the aid will be directed to direct budget support and other programs that will help Ukraine remain economically sustainable,” Shmyhal wrote on his Telegram channel.

The Prime Minister thanked the Senate for this important decision and expressed hope that the House of Representatives would support this aid.


Estimated number of population in regions of Ukraine based on number of active mobile sim cards (mln)

Estimated number of population in regions of Ukraine based on number of active mobile sim cards (mln)

Source: and

Ukrainian companies reduced nickel imports in 2023 but increased aluminum imports

In 2023, Ukrainian companies reduced imports of nickel and nickel products by 74.2% compared to 2022, to $15.391 million ($1.025 million in December), while aluminum and aluminum products increased by 7.7%, to $366.463 million ($31.951 million).
At the same time, it reduced imports of lead and lead products by 65.2% to $989 thousand ($70 thousand), imports of tin and tin products by 23% to $2.728 million ($310 thousand), but increased imports of zinc and zinc products by 18.8% to $45.966 million ($3.665 million).
Exports of aluminum and aluminum products last year increased by 0.7% compared to 2022 to $97.616 million ($8.433 million in December), lead and lead products increased by 23.5% to $14.778 million ($704 thousand), nickel and nickel products amounted to $532 thousand ($24 thousand), while in 2022 it was $1.268 million.
Zinc was exported abroad in 2023 for $130 thousand ($13 thousand in December) against $1.331 million in 2022. Exports of tin and tin products amounted to $159 thousand (up $79 thousand in December) against $424 thousand in 2022.
In addition, in 2022, Ukraine reduced imports of nickel and nickel products by 49.9% compared to 2021, to $59.754 million, aluminum and aluminum products by 33.4%, to $340.398 million. At the same time, it reduced imports of lead and lead products by 66.6%, to $2.839 million.
Imports of tin and tin products fell by 33.5% to $3.312 million, and imports of zinc and zinc products decreased by 58.7% to $38.690 million.
In 2022, exports of aluminum and aluminum products decreased by 42.7% compared to 2021, to $96.972 million, lead and lead products – by 68.7%, to $11.970 million, and nickel and nickel products – by 73.9%, to $1.268 million.
Zinc exports in 2022 amounted to $1.331 million, while in 2021 they amounted to $550 thousand. Exports of tin and products in 2022 amounted to $424 thousand, compared to $346 thousand in the previous year.

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French-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce announces contest “Created by Women – 2024”

We are honored to announce the launch of the “Created by Women – 2024” competition for Ukrainian women entrepreneurs from the French-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce CCI France Ukraine!

This year’s competition is being held for the sixth time and aims to support women who did not stop their entrepreneurial activities even during the active phase of the war, to refute the prejudices that exist in business, to empower women entrepreneurs, and most importantly, to inspire all women who are considering starting their own business!

If you are a woman entrepreneur with an existing business in Ukraine, don’t hesitate to apply yourself and recommend it to those who might be interested.

Applications for the award are accepted on the website:

The competition was created in 2019 at the initiative of the Businesswomen Committee of the French-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIFU) and has been held for 6 years in a row.

The prize aims to support and develop women’s entrepreneurship in Ukraine, promote gender equality, and contribute to sustainable economic growth.

Are you a woman who started your own business in Ukraine and continue to do business despite the war?

Apply for the Businesswoman 2024 competition. Apply by March 24, 23:59, 2024 and win UAH 150,000 for business development and a trip to Paris.

You may be our future winner!