Business news from Ukraine

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine asks citizens not to visit Israel and Lebanon for time being

Due to the deteriorating security situation in the Middle East, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has updated its recommendations for Ukrainian citizens to stay in Israel and Lebanon and recommends that they refrain from any trips to these two countries until the situation stabilizes.

“Those who are already in Israel are urged to follow the updated recommendations published on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We also recommend that you refrain from traveling to the territories bordering the Lebanese and Syrian borders; territories bordering the Gaza Strip; and the West Bank,” the ministry’s press service said.

Also, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine strongly recommends that Ukrainian citizens who are in Lebanon leave its territory, as well as avoid the territories bordering the Syrian border, bordering the Israeli border south of the Litani River, the refugee camps of Nahr al-Bared and Beddawi (near Tripoli), Ain al-Gilweh and Mieh Mieh (near Saida), the Bekaa Valley and the southern suburbs of Beirut (Dahiyeh district).

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine recommends that Ukrainian citizens staying in Israel and Lebanon avoid crowded places, do not participate in demonstrations, strictly observe security measures and rules of stay of foreigners in the country, comply with the lawful requirements of law enforcement agencies, follow the reports of local authorities on the development of the situation and always have their identity documents with them.

Citizens of Ukraine who find themselves in an emergency situation or face a threat to life and health may, depending on the country of residence, contact either the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Lebanon by phone (+961) 5921668 or by e-mail:

In the event of an emergency in Israel, it is recommended to contact the Embassy of Ukraine in the State of Israel by emergency phone number: +972-546-676-782 or e-mail:, or the Ukrainian diplomatic mission in Ramallah by phone: +972-59-823-93-99 or e-mail:

Citizens can also contact the round-the-clock hotline of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine at +38-044-238-16-57 or by e-mail at

Wind and solar energy surpass coal power for first time in Chinese history

Wind and solar power in the first half of 2024 surpassed coal power in terms of capacity for the first time in Chinese history, the South China Morning Post (SCMP) reports, citing a report by the China Electricity Council (CEC). Thus, the share of wind and solar generation amounted to 38.4% (1180 GW) of the total installed capacity of 3070 GW, while the share of coal fell to 38.1% (1170 GW).

The CEC expects China to add about 300 gigawatts (GW) of solar and wind power to the grid this year, bringing their combined capacity to more than 40% of the total installed capacity of 3,300 GW of all energy sources.

China, which is currently the world’s largest consumer, producer and importer of coal, will reduce its share in the energy balance to 37%, according to the SPP.

According to Rystad Energy analysts, the reason for this change is the growing emphasis on cleaner energy sources and the country’s rejection of fossil fuels. Until 2016, about 50 GW of coal-fired power plants were built annually in the country, but at the same time, China began to make significant investments in renewable energy.

Since 2020, the annual commissioning of wind and solar power plants has consistently exceeded 100 GW, which is three to four times more than the increase in coal capacity. Since then, this momentum has only gained momentum, and last year China set a record by increasing solar and wind power capacity by 293 GW.

The dynamics in coal power, on the contrary, is declining: in 2023, about 40 GW of coal generation was added, and in the first half of 2024, according to Rystad Energy, only 8 GW. “The government has imposed stricter restrictions on new coal projects to meet its carbon reduction targets. Efforts are now focused on phasing out small coal-fired power plants, modernizing existing ones to reduce emissions, and ensuring that new projects meet stricter standards. As a result, the annual gap in capacity expansion between coal and clean energy has increased dramatically, reaching a 16-fold difference in the first half of 2024,” the experts say.

Rystad Energy analysts predict that by 2026, only solar energy will surpass coal as the main source of energy in China. Thus, the total capacity of solar generation will exceed 1.38 terawatts (TW), which is 150 gigawatts (GW) more than coal capacity.

At the same time, clean energy in China faces significant challenges such as low utilization and interruptions as capacity grows. According to Rystad Energy, solving these problems requires significant improvements to the power grid to increase transmission flexibility and storage capacity. Batteries will also be critical to maintaining grid reliability, ensuring that stability is maintained while clean energy expands to meet the needs of a growing population.


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Law enforcers accuse Kyivteploenergo of number of abuses

Law enforcement officials have accused Kyivteploenergo (KTE) of overcharging for equipment that was donated to the company as humanitarian aid.

“Kyivteploenergo is outraged by the accusations of law enforcement agencies of overcharging for equipment needed for major repairs at one of its thermal power plants. Please note that the company received this equipment as humanitarian aid, so it is unclear what kind of overpricing and procurement we are talking about,” the company said on its Telegram channel on Friday.

KTE also confirmed that, as a customer, it makes all purchases in the open state system Prozorro, which provides free access for all interested participants on equal terms and determines the winner automatically. The customer does not influence the cost of equipment or works.

“Despite this, the Main Directorate of the National Police in Kyiv continues regular searches on the territory of strategic energy facilities, where large-scale restoration and preparation for the heating season are currently underway,” the company emphasized.

As KTE reminded, the company has repeatedly stated that it is under systemic pressure from law enforcement agencies, which has already led to the threat of shutting down the company and disrupting the procurement of goods and services critical to its operation.

“The actions of law enforcement officers have already led to the failure of more than 220 tenders announced by Kyivteploenergo since the beginning of 2024. Some of them were due to the refusal of contractors to participate in the bidding for fear of becoming involved in far-fetched criminal cases,” KTE noted.

At the same time, the company called on law enforcement officers to act in accordance with the law and martial law during the investigation and to prevent disruptions in the operation of critical infrastructure facilities.

“VUSO” will insure “Kharkovoblenergo”

JSC “Kharkivoblenergo” and IC “VUSO” on August 2 concluded a contract for the purchase of services of compulsory and voluntary insurance of civil liability of owners of land vehicles (MTPL and MTPL).

According to the message in the system of electronic public procurement ProZorro, the total expected cost is UAH 2.154 mln, the price offer of the company, the only participant of the tender is the same.

IC “VUSO” was founded in 2001. It is a member of MTSBU and NASU, a participant of the Agreement on direct settlement of losses and a member of the Nuclear Insurance Pool.



KAMETSTAL completes 45-day overhaul with mixer re-lining

Metinvest Group’s KAMETSTAL plant, which was built at the facilities of Dnipro Metallurgical Plant (DMK, Kamenskoye, Dnipro Oblast), has completed a 45-day overhaul of its BOF shop with a mixer relining without interrupting the production process.
According to the company, after the overhaul, the mixer was put back into operation, the unit was completely re-lined and its important equipment was repaired.
It is also specified that during the 45-day overhaul, which started in June, more than 550 cubic meters of refractory masonry of the mixer body were completely replaced, key equipment was restored, and the system was comprehensively repaired and maintained.
The mixer with a capacity of 2.5 thousand tons is designed for the technological preparation of liquid iron before it is fed to the BOF shop and poured into the converters, which includes temperature equalization and chemical composition averaging.
Upon completion of all repairs, the BOF Shop specialists, together with the repair contractors, checked the operation of all components and mechanisms in the commissioning mode and began technological preparations for filling the unit. On July 31, the mixer accepted the first liquid iron.
Andrey Karzin, Deputy Head of the BOF Shop for Engineering, noted that the team efforts of contractors, specialists from Metinvest Promservice’s metallurgical equipment repair shop and shop repair services have successfully completed one of the largest overhauls of equipment this year, the reliability of which is crucial for the stable and efficient operation of the enterprise.
“Throughout the repair of the mixer, the production of high-quality steel in the shop did not stop – pig iron from the BF ladles was poured directly into the BOF ladles,” the deputy head emphasized.
“KAMETSTAL was established on the basis of Dnipro Coke and Chemical Plant (DKKhZ) and Central Iron and Steel Works (DMK).
According to the 2020 report of Metinvest Group’s parent company, Metinvest B.V. (Netherlands) owned 100% of the shares in DCCP.

Selection of official ambassador wines for Bordeaux 2024 begins in Ukraine

On July 22, 2024, Ukrvinprom Corporation, as the official partner-ambassador of the Fondation pour la Culture et les Civilisations du Vin and its cultural center La Cité du Vin, opened the registration of applications of Ukrainian producers.

The selection of official wine ambassadors of Ukraine is being held for the third time within the framework of the international project “Ukrainian Wine – Part of the World Cultural Heritage of La Cité du Vin” initiated by Ukrvinprom Corporation and the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

The wines that receive the status of official ambassadors of the country become part of the collection of La Cité du Vin, which is the world’s largest wine museum. There, they are offered for tasting to visitors and invited to prestigious special events. For example, the winners of the 2023 selection were presented under the patronage of French President Emmanuel Macron at the annual Wine Paris and Vinexpo Paris exhibitions, at the Sorbonne University, and at many diplomatic events.

Volodymyr Kucherenko, CEO of Ukrvinprom Corporation, says: “The mission of the Fondation pour la Culture et les Civilisations du Vin and the cultural center La Cité du Vin is to protect, present and learn about cultural, historical and intellectual information about wines from different countries and regions of the world. They truly strive to bring this living, universal heritage to the widest possible audience. By joining the center, each country significantly strengthens its international image as a wine-producing country, and the companies that represent it in La Cité du Vin gain worldwide recognition and high status as “wine ambassadors” of their country.”

The III All-Ukrainian competitive selection of the official wine ambassadors of Ukraine will be organized by Ukrvinprom Corporation together with the Association of Sommeliers of Ukraine in three stages:

Acceptance of applications from wineries – until August 20, 2024.
Blind evaluation of the applicant wines in the sensory analysis laboratory of the Ukrainian Wine Institute – August 28-29, 2024.
Awarding of the winners at a ceremony at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine – August 30, 2024.

Based on the results of the selection, the collection of 21 samples of Ukrainian wines that will receive the status of Ukrainian Wine Ambassador 2024 will be transferred to La Cité du Vin.

The partners of the project are the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the Directorate General for Servicing Foreign Missions, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection, the State Tax Service of Ukraine, the Ukrainian National Office of Intellectual Property and Innovation, and the Association of Sommeliers of Ukraine.

The selection of the Ukrainian Wine Ambassador 2024 is widely supported by Ukrainian business: the general partner of the project is the leading agricultural company Perlyna Podillya, and the official partners are Polygraph Combine, Ukrposhta, Morshynska TM, Forests of Ukraine, Inter Fruits LTD, RadiMo TM, Interco Nouvelle-Aquitaine (France). The selection partners also include ATB, Ukraine’s No. 1 retail chain, Bousinage, a brand that offers modern wine aging technologies, and Artcatering, the organizers of the receptions.

Information support for the project “Ukrainian Wine – Part of the World Cultural Heritage of La Cité du Vin” is provided by Ukrayinska Pravda, Dico du Vin (France), PostEat, and PR-Service. Its educational partners are the National University of Food Technologies and the Uman National University of Horticulture.

For reference. Since its opening on June 1, 2016, La Cité du Vin World Cultural Wine Heritage Center has become a landmark social facility for both French and tourists. Every year, it receives an average of 500,000 visitors of 180 different nationalities, as well as more than a thousand French and foreign journalists. The center is also a popular venue for high-profile private events, the annual number of which reaches about 400.

The wines that the official partner (in Ukraine, Ukrvinprom Corporation) selects in their country and donates to La Cité du Vin are exhibited in different sectors of the museum and presented during various events, as well as separate wine tastings by country of origin. For the entrance ticket of one tour of the museum, each visitor can choose 15 samples from the collection of the world’s best wines, the list of which is regularly updated.
