Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Brussels will continue to support Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia in implementing pro-European reforms

Brussels will continue to support Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia in carrying out pro-European reforms, according to a statement issued on Friday following the EU summit.

“The European Union will continue to work closely with Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia and support their reform efforts on their European path,” it said.

The statement says that the meeting also decided that Brussels will support Moldova in addressing the challenges it faces due to the events in Ukraine.

Last March, Georgia applied for EU membership, but has not yet been granted candidate status.

In February 2022, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed Ukraine’s application for EU membership. In June of the same year, the EU Council granted Ukraine candidate status.

In June 2022, Moldova was also granted candidate status.

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Ukraine reduced exports of dairy products by 9.7%

In the first nine months of this year, Ukraine reduced the turnover of dairy products by 9.7% compared to the same period last year – from $353.4 million to $318.8 million, the press service of the Union of Dairy Enterprises of Ukraine (UDEP) reported.

According to the published data, the volume of dairy exports decreased by 23.5% in monetary terms to $140.2 million compared to $183.5 in January-September 2022. The business association attributes this decline to the price factor. At the same time, imports increased by 5.2% – from $169.9 million to $178.6 million.

The UMSU noted that the export-import balance for the reporting period was negative – $38.3 million, while for the same period last year it was positive – $13.6 million.

“Of all the exported products, the positive balance was maintained in the trade of butter, as well as milk and cream, both condensed and non-condensed. Exports of other dairy products, such as fermented milk, whey, and all types of cheese, declined significantly. The situation in cheese trade is even worse. Although their exports increased slightly compared to last year, imports grew significantly more, and the balance worsened accordingly,” the association stated.


Ukrainian agrarians harvested 63.2 mln tons of crops in 2023

Agrarians in all regions of Ukraine harvested 63.2 mln tons of grains and oilseeds, including 43.4 mln tons of grains and 19.6 mln tons of oilseeds, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reported.

According to the report, grain and leguminous crops were harvested on an area of 8849.8 thousand hectares with a yield of 49.0 c/ha.

To date, Ukraine has completed harvesting and threshing of barley from 1505 thousand hectares (101% of the plan), which yielded 5.890 million tons; wheat – from 4695 thousand hectares (101%), 22.409 million tons were harvested; peas – from 154.4 thousand hectares (103%), 398.2 thousand tons were harvested, and rapeseed – from 1396 thousand hectares (98%), 4.005 million tons of seeds were harvested.

The harvest of millet is nearing completion, with 178.4 thou tons harvested from 78.6 thou hectares (93%), and buckwheat – 205.6 thou tons harvested from 138.1 thou hectares (97%). Corn was harvested from 1947.3 thou hectares (34%), amounting to 13.320 mln tons.

In addition, other grains and pulses were harvested in the amount of 964.9 thou tons from 332.5 thou hectares.

Ukraine continues harvesting oilseeds, including sunflower – 11.074 million tons (10.211 million tons a week earlier) from 4.687 million hectares (86%), soybeans – 4.507 million tons (4.2411 million tons) from 1.729 million hectares (91%).

Sugar beet was harvested from 155.4 thou hectares (125.3 thou hectares a week earlier), which is 50% of the planned area. The harvest amounted to 7.334 million tons.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy also monitors information on crop yields, which amounted to 47.6 c/ha for wheat, 39.2 c/ha for barley, 25.8 c/ha for peas, 22.7 c/ha for millet, and 14.9 c/ha for buckwheat. The yield of corn is 68.4 c/ha, rapeseed – 28.7 c/ha, soybeans – 26.1 c/ha, sunflower – 23.6 c/ha. The yield of sugar beet is 472.1 c/ha.

At the same time, the Ministry clarified that Zaporizhzhia farmers have completed harvesting the entire crop this year.

As reported, this season’s winter wheat plantings amounted to 4166 thousand hectares (-834 thousand hectares compared to the previous season), winter barley – 536 thousand hectares (-255 thousand hectares), and rapeseed – 1374 thousand hectares (+110 thousand hectares).

According to the adjusted forecast of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, in 2023, farmers will be able to harvest 79.1 mln tons of grains and oilseeds, including the following volumes: wheat – 21.7 mln tons, barley – 5.7 mln tons and corn – 28.5 mln tons. Gross production of oilseeds will reach 21.6 million tons, including 13 million tons of sunflower, 4 million tons of rapeseed, and 4.6 million tons of soybeans. The sugar beet harvest is forecast at 13.7 million tons.


Most anticipated event for medical community: “UpToDate 4.0 + Molecular Meetings”

Successful cancer treatment is impossible without the combined efforts of a surgeon, pathologist, oncologist and geneticist. That is why this year CSD LAB has teamed up with OncoHub and the National Cancer Institute to hold the 4th Annual Oncology Congress “UpToDate 4.0 + Molecular Meetings” together.

During the congress, you will be able not only to participate in Molecular Meetings and learn about the latest advances in pathology and oncogenetics, but also to get acquainted with innovative methods of treating cancer.

Scientific areas of the Congress:
– Oncology in wartime;
– The role of molecular diagnostics in clinical decision-making;
– Treatment of breast tumors;
– Treatment of gastric and esophageal tumors;
– Oncoloproctology;
– Treatment of tumors of the hepatopancreatic-biliary zone and retroperitoneal space;
– Oncogynecology;
– Oncourology;
– Onco-orthopedics and skin tumors;
– Lung cancer;
– Transplantation in oncology;
– Treatment of head tumors.

Detailed program and registration by the link:

Join the event on November 23-24, 2023 at the CEC “Parkovy” (Kyiv) to develop the future of oncology medicine in Ukraine together!

Open4business is an information partner

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Ukrzaliznytsia will speed up speed of its own grain carriers

Starting November 1, Ukrzaliznytsia (UZ) will change the average speed of its own grain hoppers to increase their competitiveness in the freight market, Valery Tkachev, deputy director of UZ’s commercial operations department, said at a meeting with grain market participants on Thursday.

Thus, the following speeds will be applied to grain carriers moving towards port stations: 111 km/day for carload shipments (the current rate is 50 km/day), and 253 km/day for route shipments (against the current 138 km/day).

The movement of grain carriers towards the western border crossings will also accelerate. It will increase from 50 to 61 km/day for group shipments and from 50 to 187 km/day for route shipments.

The average speeds of grain carriers in domestic traffic and imports have been revised. For freight shipments, the figure will be 57 km/day compared to the current 50 km/day, and for route shipments – 128 km/day (currently 118 km/day).

These changes are expected to increase UZ’s competitive advantage in the grain transportation market.


Ukrnafta and American Petroleum Institute sign memorandum of understanding

PJSC Ukrnafta and the American Petroleum Institute (API) have signed a memorandum of understanding, according to which the company will have access to API standards agreed by the global industry community.

“Our experts will take part in meetings and working groups focused on developing and discussing top international practices. API and Ukrnafta will be able to jointly organize standardization, training, certification and safety events,” the company said in a press release on Friday.

According to the document, citing Ukrnafta CEO Serhiy Koretsky, this is the most strategic step for the national oil industry in many years of its existence.

“The Ukrainian oil and gas industry has a glorious history, strong experience and great development prospects. However, we have long been dependent on Soviet, Russian and Belarusian equipment. The API Memorandum should change this for good,” the CEO said.

The signed agreement confirms the commitment of both parties to strengthen Ukraine’s energy independence and its move away from Russian standards, equipment and operations.

According to the press release, quoting API Senior Vice President of Global Industry Services Anchal Liddar, API, as the world’s premier standard-setting organization for the natural gas and oil industries, is honored to begin a new cooperative relationship with Ukrnafta.

“This alliance reinforces our shared vision of strengthening Ukraine’s energy infrastructure and independence based on our world-class standards,” said Liddar.

For his part, according to the Ukrnafta CEO, the memorandum actually opens the door to the future for the company.

“We will be able to exchange information about annual programs, plans for the development of standards and best practices, which will allow us to understand how the world will develop and what Ukrnafta needs to do to be on the same page with the benchmarks that drive progress in the oil and gas industry,” Koretsky explained.

It is noted that the memorandum of understanding with API will allow Ukrnafta to significantly increase its efficiency and attract the best examples of world technologies to the development of the Ukrainian oil industry.

“This is one of the key projects of the company’s transformation in the coming years, which will allow Ukraine to gain the desired energy independence,” the press release says.

API was established in 1919. Since then, the organization has developed more than 800 standards to improve operational and environmental safety, efficiency, and sustainability.

Currently, API represents all segments of the American oil and gas industry. About 600 members of the organization produce, process and distribute most of the energy in the United States and participate in the API Energy Excellence® program, which accelerates progress in environmental and safety protection through the introduction of new technologies and transparent reporting.

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