Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

In September in Ukraine, hotels in all regions significantly increased revenue – research

Revenue per available room per day (RevPAR) in the period from June 1 to September 31 increased by 234% to UAH 3,041 in Bukovel, by 154% to UAH 695 in Odesa, by 102% to UAH 546 in Kyiv, and by 19% to UAH 1,411 in Lviv, Hotel Matrix project manager Olga Mishchenko told Interfax-Ukraine.

“RevPAR is a result calculated by multiplying the average rate by the occupancy. It is an indicator of commercial efficiency from the operation of the room stock. The summer results are really positive. First of all, we see growth in hotels with a resort and sanatorium focus, especially in the Carpathians. Odesa, thanks to the fact that the sea was finally “opened” in August, was also able to significantly improve its performance,” said Mishchenko.

In June-August 2023, hotel occupancy in Bukovel reached 78% (compared to 50% in the summer of 2022), in Lviv it was 54% (50%), in Odesa – 29% (21%), and in Kyiv – 28% (15%).

ADR (average daily rate) for hotels in Bukovel was UAH 3878 (UAH 1810 in summer 2022), in Lviv – UAH 2598 (UAH 2359), in Odesa – UAH 2383 (UAH 1333), in Kyiv – UAH 1956 (UAH 1854).

Hotel Matrix is a web-based hotel analytics product developed by Ukrainian developers. It was launched in May 2020. Currently, 202 hotels in Ukraine, 18 in Poland and two in Kazakhstan are connected to Hotel Matrix.

Quarter of Ukrainian citizens unemployed – survey

Over the last six months, 60% of Ukrainians have experienced a deterioration in their economic situation, 35% have not changed, only 5% have noted an improvement, according to the research carried out by the Sociological Group “Rating” on September 5-7.

At the same time, 23% of the respondents hope that in 2024 their personal economic situation will improve, 41% believe it will not change, 21% are pessimistic about this.

Ukrainians assessed the economic situation in the country as a whole even worse: 73% felt it had deteriorated, 13% said there had been no changes, and 9% said it had improved. Assessments of the current situation are better than in previous surveys, but negative assessments of the future are increasing: 29% expect improvement, 26% think nothing will change, 32% expect deterioration.

At the same time, 61% of respondents believe that things in Ukraine are moving in the right direction, 23% share the opposite opinion, and 16% were not able to assess. There is a decrease in the number of those who assess the direction of the country’s development as correct, but in all regions and among all age groups, the assessment of the direction as correct continues to prevail.

The best assessments of their own economic situation are observed among the residents of the West and Center of the country, younger respondents, those who are employed, and especially those who have found a new job. Almost the same trends are observed in assessing the future. The future of the Ukrainian economy is relatively better assessed by residents of the South.

44% of respondents who worked before the war are currently working at their usual jobs, 14% work part-time/remotely, and 15% have found a new job. A quarter of respondents who had a job are still unemployed, but their number is decreasing. Residents of the center and west of the country, men, young people, and middle-aged people have a relatively better job situation. Among IDPs, the number of those who have secured new jobs and are working as usual has increased over time, while the share of those who are unemployed has decreased from half to 40% compared to the beginning of 2023.

The number of respondents forced to leave their place of permanent residence remained almost unchanged at 18%. The largest number of IDPs came from the eastern macro-region – about 60% of them changed their place of residence, and the southern macro-region – 25% of whom were internally displaced.

The CATI (computer-assisted telephone interviews) survey included 1,000 respondents aged 18 and older in all government-controlled areas and districts with Ukrainian mobile phone coverage at the time of the survey. The results are weighted using the latest data from the State Statistics Service. The margin of error of the survey with a confidence level of 0.95 is no more than 3.1%.

Sukha Balka Mine at Yubileynaya Mine launches new block

Sukha Balka mine (Kryvyi Rih, Dnipro region), part of Aleksandr Yaroslavsky’s DCH Group, commissioned a new block of the Gnezdo deposit at Yubileynaya mine on 20 September this year.

According to information in the corporate newspaper DCH Steel on Thursday, the capacity of the new excavation is 73 thousand tons. The new block 34-36+10 of the third floor of the Gnezdo deposit is located at a horizon of minus 1420 meters.

It is specified that the new block will be developed in the traditional way using mining equipment.

Nikolay Puntus, Chief Engineer of Yubileynaya Mine, explained that the block is located in unstable rock. Such conditions required some kind of support to ensure the operational condition and prevent collapses and rock fall.

As reported earlier, the mine resumed sinking operations at Yubileynaya mine in April this year after it was suspended due to a lack of qualified personnel.

Sukha Balka is one of the leading mining companies in Ukraine. It produces iron ore by underground mining. The mine includes Yubileynaya and Frunze mines. Frunze mine. DCH Group acquired the mine from Evraz Group in May 2017.


Ukrgasvydobuvannya increased gas production by 0.5 mln cubic meters per day

Ukrgasvydobuvannya JSC has launched five more wells with a daily increase in production of 0.5 million cubic meters of natural gas, the company’s press service reports.

According to the press service, four of the five wells were drilled in “old” fields 45-55 years old. One more is a new field: gas from it first entered the Ukrainian gas transportation system this month.

“To achieve our production growth targets, we combine the use of modern technologies to discover new deposits at already depleted fields and increase investments in research and development of new areas,” said Oleg Tolmachev, Head of UGV.

This approach at one of the old fields has increased daily gas production by 35% over the past two years, and at another by almost 50%.

“The rest of the fields, thanks to the use of modern technologies, have received a new life – they demonstrate stabilization of indicators and the possibility of potential production growth,” the company said.

As reported, since the beginning of the year, UGV has commissioned 58 new gas wells with a total average daily production rate of 5.3 million cubic meters.

The company aims to increase natural gas production by 1 bcm in 2023 to 13.5 bcm. In 2022, UGV produced 12.5 bcm of natural gas (commercial), which is 3% less than in 2021.

NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine owns 100% of Ukrgasvydobuvannya shares.

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TAS Group to invest $30-40 mln in development of own production and land bank – Tihipko

Financial-industrial group TAS plans to invest at least $30-40 million in the development of its own production and land bank in 2024, TAS Group founder Serhiy Tigipko said in an interview with Forbes-Ukraine on Wednesday.

“So far we are looking at what gives synergy. This is our own production, primarily in Ukraine. But we are watching the market, if any interesting enterprises will appear. We are definitely ready to invest in agriculture – in the land bank, first of all. This is a strategy for us,” he said.

Tigipko added that he is looking out for investments in processing, which the group has not yet engaged in. “Where exactly we will go, we do not know yet to the end,” – said the founder of the group “TAS”.

The businessman also said that among the plans for 2024 is to increase the production of apple concentrate.

“We want to increase the export volume of apple concentrate. We plan to invest in one of the two plants, and if everything succeeds, to double production,” Tigipko added.

At the same time, according to the founder of TAS Group, logistics currently “eats up” a large share of funds. He noted that his own logistics company mitigates the situation, but the issue of logistics remains complicated, so the group is studying the possibility of acquiring a European transportation company.

“We are considering buying a European transportation company. This will allow to link the supply chain for the client – both in Ukraine and the EU,” he said.

Financial and industrial group “TAS” was founded in 1998 by businessman Serhiy Tihipko. Its business interests include the financial sector (banking and insurance segments) and pharmacy sector, as well as industry, real estate and venture projects.

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Internal and external debt of Ukraine in 2009-2023

Internal and external debt of Ukraine in 2009-2023

Source: and