Business news from Ukraine

Clay miner Keramprom cut its profit by 45%

2 April , 2023  

Keramprom PJSC (Artemivka village, Donetsk region), which mines clay in Donetsk region, has reduced its net profit by 44.5% in 2022 as compared with 2021 – to UAH 11.365 million from UAH 20.494 million.
According to the data to the agenda of the annual meeting of shareholders, scheduled for April 25, which will be held remotely, the undistributed profits at the end of last year amounted to UAH 70.285 mln.
At the meeting it is planned to summarize the work in 2022 and distribute profits.
At that it is suggested to allocate net profit received by the company according to the results of work in 2022 in the amount of 11 million 365.444 thousand UAH for the payment of dividends. To pay out dividends on common registered shares of the company out of all profits for 2022 and also undistributed profits in the amount of 20 million 492,594 thousand UAH. To approve the amount of dividends amounting to UAH 31 mln 858.039 th., per one common registered share – UAH 101.45.
PJSC “Keramprom” (village Artemivka, Donetsk region) was founded in 1997, is engaged in clay production. Its production capacities amount to 300 thousand tons of clay a year. According to the company’s website, it is currently developing the Chilne deposit of white refractory clay in Kostyantynivka district of Donetsk region.
According to the NDE for the fourth quarter of 2022, shares of PrJSC “Chilne” are owned by Valery, Igor and Boris Bevzenko (49,8708%, 30,2515% and 8,9999% respectively), Anatoly and Larisa Popov (5,1757% each).
The registered capital of Keramprom PJSC is UAH 25.75 mln.
