Business news from Ukraine


23 June , 2020  

The consumer confidence index in Ukraine in May 2020 improved by 10.1 points, to 76.3 points on a 200-point scale, and Ukrainians’ assessment of their current situation by 5.9 points, to 57.4 points, according to the research agency Info Sapiens.
“The consumer confidence Index in May increased and reached the level of March 2020. The main factor of growth is the improvement of expectations regarding personal financial situation, which is probably related to the termination of strict quarantine. At the same time, assessments of current personal financial situation and the propensity to make big purchases remain low and have not returned to the pre-quarantine level,” Info Sapiens analysts comment.
“The Index of Propensity to Consume (х5) increased by 9.8 p. and reached the indicator of 55.1. The Index of Current Personal Financial Standing (х1) equaled 54.3, which is 2.0 points higher than the indicator in April,” the agency said on its website.
“In May, Index of Economic Expectations (ІЕE) increased by 12.9 points to the level of 90.7. The components of this index have changed as follows: the Index of Expected Changes in Personal Financial Standing (х2) increased by 22.7 points comparing to the previous month and equals 92.5, the Index of Expectations of the Country’s Economic Development over the next year (х3) increased by 19.1 points and equals 73.7, the Index of Expectations of the Country’s Economic Development over the next 5 years (х4) slightly decreased to the level of 106.0, which is 3.2 points lower than in April,” according to the document.
“In May, the indicator of Index of Expectations of Changes in Unemployment equaled 151.8, which is 17.1 p. lower than previous month. The Index of Inflationary Expectations decreased to the level of 165.4, which is 7.2 points lower than last month. Expectations of Ukrainians regarding the hryvnia’s exchange rate in the coming three months have improved: the Index of Devaluation Expectations decreased by 10.3 points and reached the level of 136.5,” the agency said.
