Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Council of Bishops of PCU decided to switch to New Julian calendar

24 May , 2023  

The Council of Bishops of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (PCU) approved the transition to the New Julian calendar from September 1, 2023.

“A historic decision has been made! The Orthodox Church of Ukraine at the Council of Bishops on May 24, 2023 approved an important reform – the transition to the New Julian ecclesiastical calendar from September 1, 2023 has taken place. Congratulations to all Ukrainians!”, – wrote in Facebook Bishop Varsonofy of Uzhgorod and Transcarpathia.

According to the press service of the PCU, this decision preserves the right for parishes and monasteries to use the old calendar.

“The general use of the New Julian calendar after the approval of this decision by the Local Council, which convenes on July 27, 2023, will be introduced from September 1 of this year, when the new church year begins. At the same time, parishes and monasteries wishing to observe the old calendar will have this opportunity – the calendar reform will take place without compulsion, gradually and consciously,” says the report.