PJSC Dneprospetsstal Electrometallurgical Plant (Zaporizhzhia) reported a net loss in 2024 and is to consider a decision to liquidate.
According to the company’s announcement in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC) about holding a remote general meeting of shareholders on April 29, according to the draft decisions, a copy of which is available toInterfax-Ukraine, it is planned not to distribute money, not to accrue dividends and not to make contributions to the reserve fund due to the lack of net profit. The losses will be covered by the profit of future periods.
“To make a decision to liquidate the company in accordance with and in fulfillment of the requirements of Part 2 of Article 16 of the Law on Joint Stock Companies,” the draft decisions state.
It is also planned to confirm a number of transactions.
At the same time, according to the company’s clarification sent to Interfax-Ukraine, it is stated that on March 24, 2025, the company posted a notice in accordance with the procedure provided for by the current legislation on holding an annual general meeting. In connection with the decrease in the company’s net assets, the agenda includes, among other things, issues in accordance with the requirements of Article 16 of the Law of Ukraine “On Joint Stock Companies”, in particular, consideration and approval of measures to be taken to improve the financial condition of the company, in accordance with and pursuant to the requirements of Part 2 of Article 16 of the Law of Ukraine “On Joint Stock Companies”. Also, on the liquidation of the company, in accordance with and pursuant to the requirements of Part 2 of Article 16 of the Law of Ukraine “On Joint Stock Companies”.
In addition, it is noted that the company is obliged to include in the agenda the issue of measures to improve the financial condition and liquidation at the same time, as provided for in Article 16 of the law. At the same time, the company’s management and shareholders do not intend to make a decision on the company’s liquidation, but rather to approve measures to be taken to improve the company’s financial condition.
“It should be noted that the adoption by the general meeting of the decision on issue No. 6 “On measures to be taken to improve the financial condition of the company” automatically excludes voting on issue No. 7 “On liquidation of the company” (the condition of interconnectedness of issues is defined in the decision of the Supervisory Board on holding the general meeting of shareholders),” the statement concludes.
According to the third quarter of 2024, its shares are owned by Wenox Holdings Ltd. 47.1128%, Boundryco Ltd. 11.0131%, Gazaro Ltd. 16.5197%, Crascoda Holdings 6.6826% and Middleprime Limited 9.7901% (all Cyprus).
Earlier it was reported that in May 2008 the international investment and consulting group EastOne sold its stake of about 30% in Dneprospetsstal, which was previously under the group’s mandate. The new shareholders of the plant are linked to VS Energy International, whose beneficiaries are several Russian businessmen.
The authorized capital of the company is UAH 49.720 million.