Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


8 April , 2020  

PJSC Donbasenergo transferred UAH 69.7 million of taxes and other obligatory payments to the national and local budgets in March 2020, which is 2.3 times (by UAH 30.1 million) more than in March 2019.
According to the company’s press release, UAH 69.5 million was transferred to the national budget (VAT, environmental tax, fee for special use of water resources, other taxes of the national level), and UAH 300,000 (land tax, immovable property tax, etc.) were paid to the local budget of Donetsk region.
Donbasenergo owns Starobesheve (located in the occupied territory) and Sloviansk thermal power plants (TPP) with the total installed capacity of 2,880 MW, in particular the capacity of Sloviansk TPP is 880 MW. At the end of March 2017, the generation company announced the loss of control over the operation of Starobesheve TPP, as well as part of structural units located in the temporarily uncontrolled territory.
PrJSC Energoinvest Holding owns 60.86% of the shares of Donbasenergo, another 25% of the shares of the generating company are owned by the state. Currently, control of the company belongs to Maksym Yefimov.