Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


19 January , 2016  

KYIV. Jan 19 (Interfax-Ukraine) – DTEK on January 16 resumed shipments from companies developing Lviv-Volyn coal basin in Ukraine’s northwest, head of DTEK Energy’s department for external communications Iryna Miliutina said.

“The shipments have resumed at the request and against guarantees from the Energy and Coal Industry Ministry. At the same time, the State Coal Company hasn’t submitted the documents needed to formalize the transaction, therefore the coal is sent to warehouses of DTEK Energy’s thermal power plant for storage,” she wrote on Facebook.

In her words, the ministry guarantees that the issue will be settled within the next few days. “All contracts and specifications needed for the supply of Lviv-Volyn coal to Zakhidenergo’s thermal power plants will be agreed and signed by Centrenergo and the State Coal Company by the end of the current week. This will let it possible to formalize coal shipments to DTEK Zakhidenergo’s thermal power plant and resume supplies of DTEK Energy’s coal to Centrenergo’s thermal power plants,” she said.

DTEK earlier reported that in 2015 its thermal power plants bought over 580,000 tonnes of coal from state-run coal mines, including over 450,000 tonnes of Lviv-Volyn coal.