Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


14 January , 2016  

KYIV. Jan 14 (Interfax-Ukraine) – DTEK in 2015 sent UAH 1.5 billion to the thermal power plants (TPP) repair campaign, the press service of the energy holding reported on Wednesday.

The press service said that DTEK finished 65 out of 66 repair actions, including four overhauls, five repair actions and 56 maintenance repair actions. A total of 55 power units, three turbines and seven boilers were repaired. Repair of power unit four of Zuyivska TPP was not carried out, as national energy company Ukrenergo has not agreed the application for putting the unit out of service for repair.

“DTEK’s TPPs are stably loaded: repair of equipment was finished, all DTEK’s TPPs received acts that they are ready to cope with autumn and winter peaks,” the company said.

As of January 11, 2016, coal stocks at DTEK TPPs’ warehouses were 1.55 million tonnes, which is 77% up year-over-year. Gas coal stocks were 1.13 million tonnes, anthracite and short-flame coal stocks were 420,000 tonnes. Supplies of anthracite and gas coal are stable.

DTEK said that the debt of state enterprise Energomarket for electricity transmitted by all DTEK’s TPPs reached UAH 4.7 billion as of January 1, 2016. The debt grew by 12.2% year-over-year.

Three out of five heating generation companies are under the control of Akhmetov’s DTEK – Skhidenergo (100%), Dniproenergo (72.9%) and Zakhidenergo (72.2%).

DTEK was established in 2005 to manage the energy assets of the System Capital Management group, owned by businessman Rinat Akhmetov. DTEK is a vertically integrated company involved in the production and enrichment of coal, and the generation and sale of electricity.