Business news from Ukraine


7 March , 2019  

E-medical files in the electronic healthcare system was launched in the test mode from March 1, 2019. Family doctors, therapists and pediatricians who signed agreements with the National Health Service will use them, the press service of the Health Ministry has reported.
According to the report, the electronic medical file will be automatically available to the primary doctor for each patient with whom the declaration is signed. Doctors will make information on visits in a test mode, and from May 2019, keeping a record of the patient’s visits in the electronic health care system will be mandatory for doctors.
Doctors will enter patient referral data using the current international ICPC-2 coding classification.
The Health Ministry also plans to launch a personal “patient’s cabinet” soon, so far, if necessary, the doctor will be able to print out a consultation conclusion for the patient, containing the reason for addressing the doctor, the diagnosis, the prescriptions, or referrals for additional examination.
