Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


10 October , 2018  

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is mulling a project to provide a debt funding of EUR 51.9 million to PJSC Ukrgazvydobuvannia to finance the procurement of workover rigs and a package of energy efficiency investments.
According to a report on the bank’s website, the Board of Directors will discuss the project on December 12, 2018.
According to the document, the loan will benefit from a sovereign guarantee by Ukraine.
Ukrgazvydobuvannia, fully owned by Naftogaz Ukrainy, is the country’s largest gas producer, which provides about 75% of the total gas production in the country.
As reported, the EBRD recently defined operational and strategic priorities in Ukraine for the next five years: privatization and improved governance in the public sector, energy security and energy efficiency.
The EBRD is the largest international financial investor in Ukraine. To date, the bank has made a cumulative commitment of almost EUR 12.1 billion across some 400 projects since the start of its operations in the country in 1993.

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