In February 2025, the Export Credit Agency (ECA) supported UAH 478.6 million of exports by insuring export loans for Ukrainian producers in the amount of UAH 61.3 million and a foreign trade agreement worth UAH 49.4 million.
According to the ECA website, seven exporters used its services, with Oschadbank providing UAH 51.3 million in financing (UAH 298.5 million of supported exports) and Kredobank providing UAH 10 million (UAH 130.65 million of exports).
This time, the leading regions were Zaporizhzhia (UAH 230.4 million of future export revenue), Ternopil (UAH 130.65 million), and Chernihiv (UAH 41.6 million).
These businesses produce and export paper and cardboard, plastics and polymeric materials, land transport vehicles, and various food products to France, Romania, Uzbekistan, India, and Estonia.
The Export Credit Agency was established to stimulate the export of goods (works, services) of Ukrainian origin and support Ukrainian resident exporters by providing insurance, reinsurance, and guarantees under contracts that ensure export development. On January 7, 2023, the National Bank of Ukraine was authorized to regulate the activities of the ECA.