Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


22 July , 2019  

Electricity consumption in Ukraine in January-June 2019, taking into account in-process losses, increased by 0.03% (by 26.7 million kWh) compared to the same period last year, to 76.782 billion kWh, the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry has told Interfax-Ukraine. Electricity consumption excluding in-process losses for the six months increased by 0.5% (by 279 million kWh), to 61.763 billion kWh.
The country’s industry, excluding in-process losses, reduced electricity consumption by 0.7%, to 25.768 billion kWh. Metallurgical industry consumed 14.731 billion kWh (0.6% down compared to January-June 2018), fuel industry some 1.729 billion kWh (2.9% less), machine-building some 1.963 billion kWh (6.8% less), chemical and petrochemical some 1.672 billion kWh (6.6% more), food and processing some 2.190 billion kWh (1.6% more), construction materials some 1.069 billion kWh (0.04% less), and others some 2.414 billion kWh (1.6% less).
In addition, agricultural enterprises consumed 1.786 billion kWh (3.3% down), transport 3.423 billion kWh (2.8% down), and construction industry 520 million kWh (3.4% more).
In January-June 2019, the country’s population consumed 18.614 billion kWh (1.6% more), household consumers some 7.843 billion kWh (0.1% less), others non-industrial consumers 3.809 billion kWh (9.4% more).
The share of industry in the total electricity consumption in the first six months of 2019 decreased from 42.2% to 41.7%, while the share of the population increased from 29.8% to 30.1%.