Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


25 September , 2015  

Every young family deserves to have their own dwelling, Budcapitals Ltd. Director General and Board Chairman of the Dostupne Zhytlo (Affordable Housing) Non-Governmental Organization Yevhen Pinchuk said.

The Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ULIE) recently gave him an award to mark Entrepreneur Day in Ukraine.

Budcapitals Ltd. has built a block of flats for servicemen and their families in Mykhailivka-Rubezhivka Village near Kyiv – 96 apartments are ready and waiting for their owners.

“We are ready to continue our cooperation with the Defense Ministry of Ukraine, whose tender we were lucky to have won, and we are proud of our contribution to the social protection of servicemen’s families. We hope that these dwellings will become a cozy and comfortable home for people who devoted their lives to the defense of the integrity and independence of Ukraine,” Pinchuk said.

The construction of the Mykhailivsky residential estate will be the next step to supporting social and mortgage housing.

Unfortunately, the construction of housing in Ukraine that young people could afford is a serious problem. The priority task of Budcapitals Ltd. and the Dostupne Zhytlo organization is to make housing cheaper without losing in quality. For this reason, new housing is to be constructed outside the capital city, but no further than 15 km from its outskirts. It is planned that not only apartments, but separate small residential estates with necessary infrastructure, including shops, bank departments, kindergartens, etc., will be built here.

Yevhen Pinchuk is working on an educational program for young people today. He thinks that the young generation has to learn how to accumulate money first of all for the construction of housing. Sometimes people don’t know how to manage their funds properly. For this reason, the project initiators are planning to teach high school and university students a course entitled “How to Build your Life Economy Properly.”

“Entrepreneurs’ initiative to make housing for young people cheaper requires overall support and promotion. The ULIE is happy that active young entrepreneurs and public activists – Yevhen Pinchuk is also a leader of the Kyiv Municipal Association of Industries, Construction, Transport and Communications – are taking care of this project. For the implementation of this project, we should attract financial institutions which could lend money to young people as well as gain support of government agencies. In general, we can make sure once again that domestic businesses are socially aware and responsible,” ULIE First Vice-President Serhiy Prokhorov said.