Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Express Insurance” for 8 months has increased number of contracts in 2.1 times

11 September , 2024  

IC “Express Insurance” (Kiev) in January-August 2024 collected insurance premiums in the amount of UAH 596,8 mln, which is 33,9% more than the same period of 2023. According to the insurer’s website, 2,1 times more contracts were concluded during this period.

Premiums on CASCO amounted to UAH 469 mln (+20,9% to 8 months-2023), on MTPL – UAH 111,2 mln (2,5 times more), VMI – UAH 7,8 mln (+9,4%)

In August 2024, the company attracted UAH 92.1 mln of premiums, which is 44.3% more than in August last year. Including premiums on CASCO amounted to UAH 74 mln (+35,9%), on MTPL – UAH 16,6 mln (2,1 times).

Earlier it was reported that IC “Express Insurance” in January-August 2024 made payments in the amount of UAH 340,2 million, which is 64,6% or UAH 133,5 million more than the indicator for the same period of 2023.

Including payments under CASCO amounted to UAH 287,5 mln (+59,1%), under CMTPL insurance – UAH 44,4 mln (2,4 times more), under voluntary medical insurance – UAH 3,8 mln (-14,7%), payments under other insurance contracts – UAH 4,6 mln (+36,4%).

In August 2024 payments to clients amounted to UAH 53.1 mln (+94.4%) more than in August 2023. In particular, the company paid out UAH 45,3 mln (+94,2%) under CASCO contracts, and UAH 6,8 mln (2,5 times growth) under CMTPL insurance.

Express Insurance ALC was founded in 2008 and is a part of UkrAVTO group of companies. The company specializes in automobile insurance. Stable high speed of events settlement in IC is provided by optimal interaction with partner service stations.

Since April, 2012 IC Express Insurance has been an associated member of the Motor Transport Insurance Bureau of Ukraine.