Business news from Ukraine


18 April , 2017  

Industrialists and entrepreneurs have expressed their support for the draft Export Strategy of Ukraine, which was presented by the Ukrainian Ministry for Economic Development and Trade as a roadmap for the strategic development of foreign trade. As is known, the event took place in Kyiv with the participation of the Ukrainian government, businesses, international financial institutions, and the European Union.

“There has been no export strategy in Ukraine for 25 years. The strategy tells us which direction to go, what needs to be done for this,” Trade Representative of Ukraine Nataliya Mykolska said pending the event.

It must be mentioned that the business community had insisted for several years on the adoption of the export strategy that would outline key mechanisms to support exporters, provide them with loans and insure trade operations. Such proposals are stipulated in the anti-crisis program of joint actions by the government and businesses.

As was stressed by entrepreneurs in the framework of the presentation of the strategy, main problems faced by Ukrainian producers – the replenishment of working capital, including the modernization, liberalization of administration, real tax reform, and other issues – should be resolved immediately. According to them, Ukraine now is the major exporter of not even raw materials, which account for 70% of total exports, but its manpower – specialists. For example, the neighboring Poland alone employs 1 million Ukrainian labor migrants.

President of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Gennady Chyzhykov, in turn, said that the strategy itself is a positive event. This is an opportunity to use the synergy of the government, the corporate sector, business associations and work together more efficiently to boost exports. “It is important that the focus of the strategy is oriented towards small- and medium-sized businesses. Some 32-35% of such enterprises in the European Union are export-oriented. Our share is a mere 10%,” he said.

The business community noted that not only volumes but also the structure of exports should be changed. Currently, raw materials account for 70% of exports, which means that exports are entirely dependent on fluctuations in the markets. Accordingly, it is necessary to focus on the production and export of value-added products, ensure that this process is conducive to the creation of new jobs in the domestic market and is an incentive to its development.

The Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs says that the launch of the export and credit agency is a top priority now. The law on the agency was passed last year. There are still questions regarding the insurance of export and import operations.

“It’s important that this strategy is accompanied by a clear and detailed action plan. Also, it is necessary to solve main problems of domestic producers for its successful implementation: access to loans at adequate interest rates, the creation of a favorable climate for investment in the modernization of production, etc.,” President of the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Anatoliy Kinakh has said.

International experts share his opinion. They say that the export strategy is a very positive message to partners and investors from abroad. But the main thing is to put its provisions into practice.

The strategy will involve all government agencies, the customs, entrepreneurs and business associations. The document also outlines priority markets for the country.