Business news from Ukraine


26 April , 2022  

The flow of people leaving Ukraine after the celebration of the Eastern rite of Easter on April 25 by Christians rose to more than 23,000 compared to 16,000 the day before, the State Border Service reported on Tuesday.
As the agency pointed out on Facebook, the entry flow did not grow so significantly – up to almost 19 thousand from 17 thousand the day before, including Ukrainians – to more than 16 thousand from 15 thousand, and three days later the exit flow became smaller again.
The State Border Service specified that over the past day, the number of registered vehicles with humanitarian cargo increased to 220 from 120 the day before.
According to data from the Polish Border Service on Twitter, on April 25, 11.4 thousand entered Ukraine from the country against 11.8 thousand the day before.
In the opposite direction, the flow amounted to 13.7 thousand, which is 39% more than on April 24 (9.8 thousand), and in the first 7 hours of Sunday it increased by almost 2.5 times – up to 4.5 thousand.
In total, since the beginning of the war, the Polish border agency points out, 2.96 million people have entered the country from Ukraine, and 870 thousand people have entered the country in the opposite direction.
According to UNHCR data, as of 13:00 on April 24, a total of 5.23 million people left Ukraine since the beginning of the war (excluding the entry flow), of which 2.91 million went to Poland, 843.74 thousand to Romania and Moldova. , Russia – 605.82 thousand, Hungary – 492.98 thousand, Slovakia – 355.59 thousand, Belarus – 24.48 thousand.
At the same time, according to the State Border Service, 1.17 million people have entered Ukraine by this date since February 28.

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