Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Gosmolozhytlo issued 189 mortgage loans

4 June , 2023  

Due to the implementation of housing programs administered by the State Fund of Youth Housing Development (Gosmolodzhytlo), 189 Ukrainian families were provided with their own houses in January-May 2023, the total amount of loans issued for this amounted to 282.7 mln UAH, as stated by the press service of the agency
As specified a member of the Fund administration, the head of the credit committee of the institution Elvira Levchenko, in May there were concluded 33 contracts to the amount of 41,6 mln.
In general at the expense of authorized capital of the fund during five months of 2023 104 agreements to the amount of 138.2 mln UAH were signed (including 23 agreements in May to the amount of 27.1 mln UAH); 10 agreements to the amount of 13 mln UAH were concluded within the framework of local housing programs (6 agreements in May to the amount of 7.9 mln UAH).
In addition, in January-May 75 contracts were issued for 131.5 million UAH (including four contracts in May for 6.6 million UAH) under the program of preferential mortgage lending for internally displaced persons at the expense of the grant provided by the KfW.
Elvira Levchenko clarified that the State Mortgage Fund has developed internal regulations, which regulate the contractual relations with the borrowers-debtors, whose property is damaged or located in the war zone or temporarily occupied territories.
According to her, 296 borrowers owed 36.3 thousand UAH on loans issued within the framework of the programs of the State Committee for Military and Paramilitary Affairs due to the circumstances associated with the armed aggression of Russia. Of these, nine borrowers received a deferral/suspension of loan payments due to damage or complete destruction of their homes by the occupants. 266 borrowers had their payments suspended due to the location of their property purchased with a mortgage loan in the territories temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation or where military operations are under way.
Developed by the State Property Committee and the mechanism of restructuring and loan for those borrowers whose property is not damaged, but their income does not allow to fulfill their obligations under the housing loans.
According to the release, now the proposal to restructure the borrowers took advantage of the 21 loans, which have accumulated a total of more than 2 million UAH overdue debts since the beginning of the aggression. Based on financial capabilities and selected parameters of restructuring, these citizens resumed loan repayment according to new payment schedules.