Business news from Ukraine

GTSOU to create 167 new mobile crews to maintain gas distribution stations

10 March , 2024  

“In 2024, Gas TSO of Ukraine will create 167 new mobile teams to service gas distribution stations (GDS), the company’s press service reports.

According to it, the equipment maintenance and repair project is part of GTSOU’s strategy to improve the reliability and efficiency of the gas transmission system.

Currently, 43 mobile teams are working within its framework, each of which serves its own “bush” – several gas distribution stations and the adjacent linear part of gas pipelines. In 2024, the maintenance teams will service 819 GDSs.

A similar practice of gas infrastructure maintenance is used in Europe. In particular, GTSOU was guided by the experience of the Italian operator Snam, which maintains not only GDSs, but also the linear part and compressor stations in this way.

“Mobile maintenance is an efficient use of resources through the involvement of personnel in servicing, first of all, gas distribution systems. The application of this approach involves a number of measures, including a significant improvement in the condition of the gas distribution system. If the technical condition of the facility allows us to change the form of maintenance, we include it in the service area of the mobile maintenance unit,” explained Yuriy Zyabchenko, Chief Engineer of GTSOU.

To ensure that the work of mobile teams meets the standards of European operators, is automated and transparent, GTSOU requested and received technical assistance from USAID through the Energy Security Project to purchase a mobile application.

“Already in 2024, mobile teams will use the mobile application in their work as the main tool for recording information on the technical condition of equipment. This will help improve the quality of maintenance and repair of gas infrastructure and reduce the number of emergency shutdowns,” the operator reminded.
