Business news from Ukraine

IC “Opeca” made changes in composition of governing bodies

10 June , 2024  

Supervisory Board of JSC “Insurance Company ‘Opeca’ (formerly – IC ‘Point’, Kiev) on June 6 terminated the powers of the head of the Board of Directors Oleg Bazaliy and a member of the Board of Directors Marina Dudnik, reported in the official information of the insurer, posted in the system of the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market.

It is also noted that they have held office since December 2022 and no one has been elected instead of them.

In addition, the nabsovet terminated the powers of a member of the Board of the company Svetlana Sukhorukova by agreement of the parties.

As reported, the National Bank of Ukraine on April 1, 2024 granted permission to JSC Insurance Company Opeca to exit the market by executing the insurance portfolio and agreed on the exit plan.

According to the statements presented by IC “Opeca” for 2023, the insurance portfolio of the company was formed at the expense of payments on health insurance (continuous health insurance) – 65%, accident insurance – 13%, insurance of land transport (except railway) – 10%.

The volume of insurance premiums of the company in the specified period amounted to UAH 9,871 mln, formed insurance reserves – UAH 1,194 mln. For 2023 the insurer has paid out insurance indemnities in the amount of UAH 4,554 mln. The share of the company on insurance premiums in the insurance market makes 0,02%.

IC “Opeca” has been working in the insurance market since 2003. It specializes on risk insurance.
