Business news from Ukraine

In 2023, there were almost three times fewer businesses closing in Ukraine

8 December , 2023  

In which industries are the most businesses closing?

6,482 companies started the process of closing down between March 2022 and November 2023. This year, on average, 479 businesses are shutting down per month. This is almost three times less than in the same period in 2021: 1290 companies closed per month then.

Only 17% of them entered bankruptcy proceedings, while the rest decided to cease operations on their own. For comparison, in 2021, the share of companies that went bankrupt was 5.1%.

The highest number of businesses closing is in Kyiv: 893 cases. Lviv region is the second worst, with 526 companies closing, and Dnipropetrovs’k region is the third worst, with 479 businesses closing.

Non-governmental organizations are the most frequently closed – 1068 companies. Wholesale trade enterprises are in second place with 826 companies, and agricultural companies are at the bottom of the list with 492 cases.

The most high-profile bankruptcy of the year was the closure of the Ukrainian airline UIA, which is associated with Ihor Kolomoisky. However, this is not the largest business that has ceased operations since the start of the full-scale crisis. The top 3 companies in the process of closure in terms of turnover are Ilyich Iron and Steel Works of Mariupol, Azovstal, and one of the WOG companies.

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