Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

In Ukraine, oil producers are loaded with raw materials, prices collapse on market – analysts

14 September , 2023  

In Ukraine, oil producers are loaded with raw materials, which caused the collapse of domestic purchase prices for sunflower seeds, the sunflower market will pass the “price bottom” in mid-October, according to the analytical cooperative “Pusk”, established within the framework of the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Rada (VAR).

“Domestically, processing plants have started to collapse sunflower prices, as they have contracted the necessary volumes of raw materials for September. There are factories staffed with oilseeds a month in advance, others – for one or two weeks. Accordingly, processors will buy raw materials in a wide price range of 10500-12500 UAH/ton”, – analysts explained and expressed hope that in the first weeks of October the market will see the lowest prices for sunflower.

According to experts, despite the ban on sunflower imports to five neighboring EU countries, Bulgaria contracts Ukrainian sunflower and many agreements have already been signed. Although Bulgaria has not officially announced the imminent lifting of bans on imports of Ukrainian grain, but trade in this direction is very active.

“A certain decrease in vegetable oil prices on the global market will support the current downward price trend in the Ukrainian sunflower market,” the BAR forecasts.